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Building a growth mindset (Middle Georgia State University-2023)

Strategy/Project Name: 
Building a growth mindset
Momentum Area: 
Data & Communications
Strategy/Project Description: 

Promoting and Creating Awareness of Growth Mindset in students, faculty, and staff  

Activity Status: 
Evaluation/Assessment plan: 

Evaluation Plan and measures:

  • Development of Part II Mindset training for faculty and staff 
  • Identification of mindset elements to include in the redesigned Area B with academic success content  
  • Faculty Development sessions addressing mindset inclusion in syllabi and course design


  • Number of workshops/training sessions offered on mindset
  • Number of webinars offered to address mindset
  • Development of a mindset statement to include in the syllabi
  • Number of faculty development sessions that include mindset in their course design

Baseline measure (for each KPI):

  • Two workshops have been offered on mindset in 2023
  • Two webinars have been offered to address mindset through the Monday Morning Mentor series
  • Development of a mindset statement to include in the syllabi- in progress
  • Faculty development sessions to include mindset in course design- in progress

Current/most recent data (for each KPI): see baseline measure for each KPI

Goal or targets (for each KPI):

  • Offering 4 workshops on mindset in 2023-24
  • Offering four webinars to address mindset
  • Develop a mindset statement to include in the syllabi by end of fall’23
  • Offer 2 faculty development sessions to include mindset in course design in 2023-24

Time period/duration: 2023-2024

Progress and Adjustments: 

Several webinars and workshops on mindset as indicated in the baseline measure have already been offered in 2023.  Additionally, mindset training has been offered to all the advising and student success staff in 2023. 

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) has been established at MGA to provide a variety of resources for faculty development.  Beginning fall 2023, all mindset related initiatives for faculty will be provided through the CETL with support from the Student Success team. 

Plan for the Year Ahead: 

Student Success team will collaborate with the CETL to work towards achieving the goals mentioned above.

Challenges and Support: 


  • Participation of faculty and staff participation in mindset training and workshops. 
  • Faculty support for course redesign to include mindset elements.
  • Effective collaboration between Academic Affairs and Student Affairs to promote a culture of growth mindset amongst students

Support Needed

Sharing ideas and resources used by other USG institutions related to mindset initiatives 

Primary Contact: 
Eric Sun, Rod McRae, Deepa Arora