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Nathan Klingbeil

Dr. Nathan Klingbeil is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Wright State University (Dayton, OH).  He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1998.  Prior to joining the Wright State faculty, he worked as a Materials Research Engineer at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. Dr.

Heidi Leming

Dr. Heidi Leming currently serves as the interim Vice Chancellor for Student Success at the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR). In her role at TBR, she works closely with the student affairs operations at technical colleges and community colleges and serves as the System level advocate to other state agencies and the legislature on student related issues. During her tenure at TBR, she has been instrumental in advancing student affairs and student success initiatives related to accessibility, high impact practices, Title IX, academic mindset and support for low-income and minority student populations. In addition to her work at TBR, Dr. Leming serves on the Volunteer Tennessee Board and currently serves as the National Association for Student Personnel’s (NASPA) Southern Region Public Policy Director.

Davis Jenkins

Davis Jenkins is a senior research scholar at the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College. He works with colleges and states across the country to find ways to improve educational and employment outcomes for students, particularly students of color and those from low-income families.

John Gardner

John is an educator, university professor and administrator, non-profit organization chief executive officer, author, editor, public speaker, consultant, change agent, student retention specialist, first-year, sophomore, transfer, and senior year students’ advocate, and initiator and scholar of the American first-year and senior-year reform movements. He serves as President of the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (JNGI).

Davis Jenkins

Davis Jenkins is a senior research scholar at the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College. He works with colleges and states across the country to find ways to improve educational and employment outcomes for students, particularly students of color and those from low-income families.

Heidi Leming

Dr. Heidi Leming currently serves as the interim Vice Chancellor for Student Success at the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR). In her role at TBR, she works closely with the student affairs operations at technical colleges and community colleges and serves as the System level advocate to other state agencies and the legislature on student related issues.

Laura Gambino

Laura M. Gambino is the associate dean for assessment and technology and professor of information technology at Guttman Community College (CUNY). She joined Guttman as an inaugural faculty member in August 2012. In her current role as associate dean, Gambino oversees academic technology initiatives, including the College’s institution-wide ePortfolio program and the Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS) initiative. She serves as principal investigator for Guttman’s US DOE Title V grant, EDUCAUSE/Achieving the Dream iPASS grant, and GradNYC College Completion Innovation Fund grant. She also leads the assessment of Guttman’s institutional student learning outcomes, focusing on the intersection of assessment, pedagogy, and assignment design.


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2017 Campus Data Notes

Source: USG Data Warehouse; CCG Campus Dataset.


Undergraduate Enrollment

Includes degree-seeking undergraduates enrolled Fall 2016

Pell recipients includes students who received PELL in the fiscal year in which they matriculated (lags one year)

Non-traditional students are 25 years of age or older at matriculation

Progression and Completion

Graduation and retention statistics are system-wide rates are provided for Fall 2008 to Fall 2014 cohorts


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