Armstrong State University
The Departments of Languages, Literature and Philosophy, Department of Mathematics, IT, Registrar, Advising, Admissions, and Testing Services worked together to implement the new co-remediation models for learning support.
Workshops, programming, and community outreach regarding college readiness and financial options/incentives, targeted to adult, military, first-year and historically underrepresented students
Centralization of 1st and 2nd year advising to normalize caseloads and provide targeted advising and coaching/intervention services to specific student populations (freshman, transfer, adult, military and secondary-admit programs)
Implementation of new technology to assist advisors and students with degree planning and intrusive advising (DegreeWorks, EAB Student Success Collaborative (EAB-SSC), and Grades First)
Implementation of Adult Learning Consortium Principles for awarding credit based on verifiable experience or prior learning