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Inclusive Access for Digital Content used as Textbook (East Georgia State College-2024)

Strategy/Project Name: 
Inclusive Access for Digital Content used as Textbook
Momentum Area: 
Data & Communications
Strategy/Project Description: 

We would like to set up inclusive access for all the digital content used as textbook for all sections that require the purchase of a textbook. Inclusive Access is a sales model for college textbooks. Inclusive access allows for the digital content to be delivered to students by the first day of class. Students have a period to “opt out” before they are billed through their tuition and fees. In addition to saving money on the price of the digital content, inclusive access was shown to increase student success in classes and retention.

The inclusive access activity is not targeting courses with free textbook materials including free materials through the Affordable Learning Georgia. In addition, inclusive access will not be implemented for a course with a low cost textbooks if the implementation of the inclusive access leads to an increase of costs for students.

Activity Status: 
Evaluation/Assessment plan: 

Evaluation Plan and measures: We will get student data from Banner and dollar saved from the bookstore.


  • The number of courses that offer inclusive access.
  • The number of sections that offer inclusive access.
  • The number of students in sections with inclusive access.
  • The % of students who opt out.
  • The amount of dollars saved by the EGSC students.
  • Course success rate (A, B, and C rate) in sections with inclusive access.

Baseline measure:

Data about the use of inclusive access:

  Fall 2022
Number of courses with inclusive access 0
Number of sections with inclusive access 0
Number of students in sections with inclusive access 0
% of opt out students 0
Dollars saved by inclusive access 0

Course success rate: see appendix

Current/most recent data:

Data about the use of inclusive access:

  Spring 23 Summer 23 Fall 23 Spring 24 Summer 24

Fall 24

Number of courses with inclusive access 2 2 7 9 5 25
Number of sections with inclusive access 11 3 43 38 6 55
Number of students in sections with inclusive access 269 50 921 912 159 1290
% of opt out students 1.9 %


(5 students)



(1 student)



(8 students)



(7 students)



(1 student)



(0 student)

Dollars saved by inclusive access $22,867.69 $4,250.50 $49,574.86 $46,234.12 $7,169 $66,853.98

Course success rate: see appendix

Goal or targets:

  • Increase the number of courses with inclusive access.
  • Increase the number of sections with inclusive access.
  • Increase the number of students in sections with inclusive access.
  • Maintain a low % of opt out students.
  • Maintain or increase the course success rate.
KPI Goal or targets
Increase the number of courses with inclusive access From 2 courses during Spring 23 to 9 courses during Spring 24
Increase the number of sections with inclusive access From 11 sections during Spring 23 to 38 courses during Spring 24
Increase the number of students in sections with inclusive access From 269 sections during Spring 23 912 students during Spring 24
Maintain a low % of opt out students Opt out rate stayed below 2%
Maintain or increase the course success rate The success rate for 5 out 7 courses with inclusive access increased and was maintained for the other 2 courses.
Progress and Adjustments: 

We continued to expand the number of courses with inclusive access. We are still working on the best approach to collect data related to the homework and assignments completion rate.

Plan for the Year Ahead: 

We will set up a survey to assess students’ opinion about inclusive access.

Challenges and Support: 

None. The EGSC Interim VP for Business Affair has been very supportive of this initiative. In addition, the help and support from the EGSC bookstore have been crucial for the success of this activity.

Contact email: 
Primary Contact: 
Dr. David Chevalier, AVP Academics