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Success Networks (ASPIRE Strategy 5) (Georgia Gwinnett College-2024)

Strategy/Project Name: 
Success Networks (ASPIRE Strategy 5)
Momentum Area: 
Strategy/Project Description: 

Create success networks that connect students with peer support, mentors, tutors, advisors, and counselors that focus on the specific needs of various student populations.

Activity Status: 
Evaluation/Assessment plan: 

Evaluation Plan and measures:

 Fall-to-Fall and ongoing measures of success.



 > Completion rates of students who receive SN intervention.

> Optimized support staffing (e.g., academic coaches, advisors, others).

> Semester success (semester GPA) of students who receive Success Network (SN) intervention.

> Fall-Fall retention of students who receive SN intervention.


Baseline measure (for each KPI):

 > Completion rates of students who receive SN intervention. = 18% 6-year graduation (Fall 2017 cohort)

> Optimized support staffing (e.g., academic coaches, advisors, others). = In Progress

> Semester success (semester GPA) of students who receive Success Network (SN) intervention. 54% >= 2.50 GPA

> Fall-Fall retention of students who receive SN intervention. = 64% (Fall 2022 FTFY)


Current/most recent data (for each KPI):

 > Completion rates of students who receive SN intervention. = 18% 6-year graduation (Fall 2017 cohort)

> Optimized support staffing (e.g., academic coaches, advisors, others). = In Progress

> Semester success (semester GPA) of students who receive Success Network (SN) intervention. 54% >= 2.50 GPA (Fall 2022)

> Fall-Fall retention of students who receive SN intervention. = 64% (Fall 2022)


Goal or targets (for each KPI):

 > Completion rates of students who receive SN intervention. = 20% (6-year)

> Optimized support staffing (e.g., academic coaches, advisors, others). = 90% optimized

> Semester success (semester GPA) of students who receive Success Network (SN) intervention. 55% >= 2.50 GPA

> Fall-Fall retention of students who receive SN intervention. = 65% (first year of implementation)

Progress and Adjustments: 

Time period/duration

Launching/initiating in Fall 2024, with broadening and scaling to continue through Fall 2025 (likely beyond) to maintenance levels.

Many of the offices, staff, and services contemplated as part of the Success Networks are already functioning, but there is a need to coordinate efforts across offices, Schools, departments or divisions.

Student Success Committee is already functioning well and can be a source for coordination.

We rebranded and reintroduced our peer mentoring program, Grizzly Peers for Success. We currently have 13 peer mentors who are assisting first year students with their transition to college.

Our Academic Enhancement Center now offers academic coaching sessions using professional staff and peer coaches.

Plan for the Year Ahead: 

Coordinate efforts across offices, Schools, departments or divisions.

Continue to expand the Grizzly Peer Mentoring Program by matching current peer mentors with alumni mentors.

Hire a professional academic coach

Work with Housing to increase advising, coaching, and tutoring in the residence halls.

Increasing the use of Navigate across departments and units.

Challenges and Support: 

Broadening communication and involvement across areas with multiple reporting lines and different communication patterns.

Establishing common practices to coordinate student support across areas.

Need to engage faculty and staff widely and intensively.


Successful examples of Success Networks (networks of Student Support) at other USG institutions so that we can collaborate with and learn from each other would be welcome.

Contact email: 
Primary Contact: 
Justin Jernigan, Interim Associate Provost for Academic Programs
Karen Jackson, Interim Dean of Student Success