Georgia Regents University-[node:field-date:custom:Y]-Advising, -Tracking Student Success (DegreeWorks), -Established Criteria for Interventions
Provide intrusive advising to keep students on track to graduate
Provide intrusive advising to keep students on track to graduate
Restructuring the Academic Advising area for greater efficiency and effectiveness using data analytics to better predict student success.
Provide customized academic support services to students on academic probation and academic warning, as well as those on warning for violating Standard Academic Performance (SAP) requirements. FVSU has developed proactive and intrusive intervention strategies.
DSC contracts with select full-time faculty who, as content experts, create MasterShell for specific disciplines, mentor new and adjunct faculty, and review courses periodically throughout the semester. DSC also assigned Online Support Specialists (OSS’s) to fully online students in each major area of the Institution. These Online Support Specialists provided specialized support to this student population, which included but was not limited to, assistance with admissions, advising, registration, course navigation, and proctored testing.