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Career/Major Exploration

Providing student success content through Area I (institutional Priority) (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

Designing and integrating academic success content into all sections of Area I (formerly, Area B) courses, regardless of session length or modality. Because this activity has been brought to completion, the project will now focus on cohesive guidance on instructional practices shared across all faculty teaching Area I courses. This guidance aligns with evidence-based practices for creating welcoming, encouraging, and navigable courses.

Faculty Mentor Program (ASPIRE Top 5 Strategy) (Gordon State College-2024)

The Faculty Mentor Program at Gordon State College pairs first-year students (students under 30 credit hours) with faculty in the student's major area/area of focus. Faculty mentors act as part of the student's success team. They provide professional and career guidance and encouragement and help connect students with campus resources. All tenure-track faculty members serve as faculty members. Faculty mentors act to provide services and support that complement the services offered by GSC's professional academic advisors.

Undecided Student Intervention (Georgia Highlands College-2024)

A team formed between Advising, Orientation, and Career Services that will continue to work with the undecided student population. We created a plan to intervene early with undecided students to connect them with resources to help them make a purposeful choice. The plan begins at orientation with a breakout session designed to get undecided students thinking about making a purposeful choice and continues once the semester begins with strategic talking points during advising appointments.

Study Abroad (Georgia College & State University-2024)

The International Center facilitates and coordinates international academic study, research, and internship opportunities for all Georgia College students, as well as partnerships and exchanges with institutions abroad. Students may study abroad on short-term programs - often with faculty in their majors - or through semester or even academic year-long programs at major universities throughout the world. Study Abroad/Study Away programs are one of the optional transformative learning experiences available in GC Journeys.


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