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Learning Communities

Faculty Development (Georgia Highlands College-2024)

CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate faculty book talks, workshops, and faculty learning communities to promote growth mindset and purpose. · CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate the Relentless Welcome (Felton, 2023). · Workshops for faculty focused on teaching success that are formatted to be conducted without technology (Talking Teaching, Expert Panels) · HIP attribute

Supplemental Instruction and Teaching Assistantship (Albany State University-2023)

The Supplemental Instruction and Teaching Assistantship activity will provide mandatory, voluntary, and integrated academic support services, internal and external to the classroom.  Supplemental Instruction (SI) will offer a form of tutoring that focuses on group study and collaboration.  Supplemental Instruction is a critical component for university college Learning Communities 

Summer Success Academy (Albany State University-2023)

The Summer Success Academy activity is a 6-week residential learning opportunity that provides incoming freshmen with the ability to get a jump start on their ASU experience. Student participants are enrolled in 7-9 credit hours depending on their cohort. Working closely with expert faculty and supported by a network of peer advisors, learning specialists, and tutors, Academy Scholars learn together as a community within and beyond the classroom.

Student Housing Living Learning Community (Georgia Gwinnett College-2023)

Student Housing will begin the implementation of Living Learning Communities (LLCs) on the campus of Georgia Gwinnett College.  LLCs are named as a high-impact practice by the American Association of Colleges & Universities, due to evidence-based benefits for students who are participants. Living Learning Communities are an engaging collaboration between Student Housing/Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, where student cohorts live together in residence.

Expanding Culturally Responsive Retention Strategies (College of Coastal Georgia-2023)

Develop and strengthen strategies that address institutional performance gaps. Strategies to consider include: the creation of 1st Gen/Pell Eligible student transition support; summer bridge programs that support traditionally underserved or underrepresented populations, with the goal of reducing institutional performance gaps.


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