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Boost Mindset Workshops and Interventions (South Georgia State College-2024)

The “Boost” Mindset project, so named to reflect its goal to provide participants a boost towards academic success, embodies a series of virtual workshops to which every currently enrolled student has access via SGSC’s GeorgiaVIEW LMS. The series includes content about motivation, note-taking, time management, study skills, the neuroscience of learning, etc. Those students who choose to participate may earn certificates (for which some faculty offer incentives).

Promoting First Year student success through virtual academic communities-Knights Academy, Knights Journey, and Knights of Success (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

MGA’s FYE initiative encompasses three elements – academic success,, character development, and community engagement.

The Knights Academy (KA) is an online academic community focused on increasing first year student academic success by engaging the student in a variety of learning activities. These activities seek to assist students develop critical student success skills by participating in quests and engaging with other students through discussion posts.  Topics covered in the Knights Academy include the following: 

Providing student success content through Area I (institutional Priority) (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

Designing and integrating academic success content into all sections of Area I (formerly, Area B) courses, regardless of session length or modality. Because this activity has been brought to completion, the project will now focus on cohesive guidance on instructional practices shared across all faculty teaching Area I courses. This guidance aligns with evidence-based practices for creating welcoming, encouraging, and navigable courses.

Improving student success in learning support (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

MGA admits a significant number of students who need remediation and are enrolled in learning support (LS) coursework.  MGA saw a 1.9% increase in the number of LS students from fall’22 to fall’23 and another 1.5% increase from fall’23 to fall’24.  In fall’24, 733 students placed into learning support, accounting for 8.7% of fall’24 enrollment.

Supporting student success through advising, peer mentoring, and academic support (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

Supporting student success is the major focus of all the momentum initiatives at MGA.  By building efficiencies into our advising processes, offering peer mentoring to our students, and enhancing our academic support resources, the student success teams that include our professional academic advisors, the Student Success Centers staff, and the academic success coaches, continue to work towards this goal.  This activity closely aligns with the following MGA’s ASPIRE/POISED goals: 1) To increase the number of qualified applicants for the Pre-licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and

First-Year Experience Course (FIRE 1000) (Gordon State College-2024)

FIRE 1000 ("Freshmen Introduction to Reasoning Essentials") is a first-year course that stimulates students' academic self-efficacy, depth of intellectual inquiry, and problem-solving skills. This is done through research and reflection to understand themselves better, their purpose, and the campus community. FIRE 1000 was launched in 2017 and is required at GSC for all new and transfer students under 13 credit hours.

Continuing Student Communication Strategy (Georgia State University-2024)

The Continuing Student Communication Strategy priority is designed to establish a streamlined, cohesive approach to communicating with our continuing student population. We have already made progress with two key units—Registration and Financial Aid—by partnering with a third-party vendor to create personalized communication journeys for these processes.

The Forum – Listening Lab (Georgia State University-2024)

GSU participates in a 7-institution University Innovation Alliance (UIA) initiative funded by the Kresge Foundation, conducting focus groups on identifying student success barriers. Through focus groups (30-50 students), we talk to different undergraduate populations, including First-Year, Transfer and Transition, Career Services users, and Academic Support users. Each semester targets a new population, gathering qualitative data to inform institutional improvements.


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