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Critical Thinking

Analytical skills/ Critical Thinking
Analyze issues to make decisions about issues
Analyzing theories, ideas, propositions, arguments
Be a critical consumer of information (skeptic)
Critical Thinking -problem solving -Math - Economics - Sciences
Critical Thinking & Communication
Critical Thinking Analysis & Evaluation
Critical thinking, reasoning, writing
Reflecting about learning about self drawing applicable conclusions from reflection
Utilize multiple methods of inquiry


Ability to see and create connections between coursework and personal interests
Ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources into a cohesive summary
Draw knowledge experience from disparate subject areas to solve problems
Synthesis info and ideas


Appreciation of the role ethics in society
Ethical Competency
Ethical Reasoning
Make Ethical reasonable judgement/ decisions
Moral Development, Moral reassuring ethics
Essential to demonstrate personal accountability and make sound decisions

Appreciate your world

Appreciation of the Arts and Literature
Recognizing and appreciating beauty in Art and various other forms of artistic expression
Understanding of Creative Arts
Contemplating the humanities through beauty
Appreciation of Arts & Literature (Foreign Language)
Approach of Arts

Knowing Through Science

Ability to process the scientific method (critical thinking)
Ability to understand the basics of scientific methods
Understand how to apply scientific method to solve problems
Use the Scientific Method to test a Hypothesis
Knowledge of Science & Philosophy
Mature Knowledge of Science (Physics, Chemistry) & Scientific Methods
Physical world and the rules that govern it

Work in a team

Necessary to productive engagements and successful endeavors
Ability to work & contribute to teams and group partnerships
Ability to work in a team (as lead a participant)
Ability to work in groups
Build Collaborative Relationships
Collaboration Skills, Leadership Skills and Awareness
Interpersonal Relationship Skills

Lifelong Learning

Ability to learn and relearn (lifelong learners)
Appreciation for learning and growth
Developing an attitude of lifelong learning
Access various loads of resources to acquire new knowledge & skills
Philosophy Self-Reflection
Purpose of their education

Character Development

Ability to accept same level of ambiguity
Ability to give form to one's individuals passions
Ability to prioritize actions and next steps
Ability to react in an agile manner to new information
Ability to reflect- on and learn from one's own mistakes
Be nice to everyone- Soft Skill Piece
Demonstrate emotional intelligence
Environmental and Sustainability Awareness
Personal Well Being, Social skills
Resilience/ Willingness to Fail Perseverance
Demonstrate personal accountability


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