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Data Science

In August 2020, the University System convened a group of faculty from across Georgia to support the development of a commonly numbered introductory course in data science. This course is intended to fulfill current Area D requirements for institutions that choose to adopt it as well as satisfy the anticipated data and digital fluency requirement for any redesigned General Education Curriculum.  More significantly, the data science course is intended to provide an introduction to essential data literacy to support students in their academic and life pursuits.  

Data 1501 Course Outline

DATA 1501: Introduction to Data Science

Course Description

This course is intended to provide an introduction into the field of Data Science. Students will develop skills in appropriate technology and basic statistical methods by completing hands-on projects focused on real-world data and addresses the social consequences of data analysis and application.

Problem solving

Ability to apply all of the core competencies in a general correlation to solve a problem
Ability to apply knowledge skills in variety of settings
Create solutions for environmental problems
Logic and Reasoning --> quantitative and qualitative
Problem Solving (individually, Collaboratively, synthetically)
Reasoning (Linguistic, Quantitative, Qualitative, Scientific)
Reasoning/ Strategy
Solve vague & complicated real-world problems
Work and Decision Making
Problem Solving
Representing and Analyzing ideas quantitatively

Global Perspective

Global Perspective/ Study Abroad/ International Perspectives
Understand global culture products
Understanding / Appreciation of Global Culture and History
Ability to engage in a global and technological economy
Global Citizenship
Global Cultural Awareness
Understand global history
Understanding of global affairs: engagement with culture, globalization
Elemental to Understanding the World and the Human Condition


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