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Instructional Design Discussion Notes

Learning Support and Instructional Design was one of four shared areas of interest for participants at the East Georgia CCG Regional Meeting held at Augusta University on March 7, 2016. Brief notes from the breakout conversation on this isse at the meeting follow:

Key Concern: Remediation instructional model seems inefficient in some modes of implementation.

Observation: There are a wide variety of instructional designs for both remediation and core courses within the humanities and sciences.

Transforming Remediation

Photo of a desks in a classroom

Nationally, and in Georgia, relatively few students who begin college requiring remediation ever complete their degrees.

As part of Complete College Georgia, Georgia aims to change these statistics so that more students who enter in Learning Support are able to complete degrees. Across the nation and within the state of Georgia, dozens of pilot projects show that by transforming the way that we do remediation, we can dramatically increase success rates in collegiate gateway courses and beyond, without compromising the integrity of the content.

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