Darton State College consolidated with Albany State University January 1, 2017. Information on the consolidated institution is available here.
Shorten time to degree completion through programs that allow students to earn college credit while still in high school through dual enrollment
DSC contracts with select full-time faculty who, as content experts, create MasterShell for specific disciplines, mentor new and adjunct faculty, and review courses periodically throughout the semester. DSC also assigned Online Support Specialists (OSS’s) to fully online students in each major area of the Institution. These Online Support Specialists provided specialized support to this student population, which included but was not limited to, assistance with admissions, advising, registration, course navigation, and proctored testing.
Transform Remediation by (a) ending the practice of requiring students to withdraw from all collegiate courses when they withdraw from learning support courses and (b) placing students in co-requisite remediation courses with unlimited attempts for success.
As a part of the new student orientation experience, incoming students hear numerous presentations from faculty, staff, and administrators about making the transition to college. The Fifteen to Finish initiative is a focal point of the new student orientation experience, particularly as it relates to the time spent with the academic advisors and during registration.