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Georgia Southern University

Supplemental Updates for Georgia Southern University - 2023

Greatest Strengths and Successes

Continued communication with university constituents to develop a shared language and understanding of the purpose behind the work. Every single person at GS can talk about People, Purpose, Action and employee engagement. How can we have them talk about our shared work towards student success and Momentum in the same way? How can they understand shared responsibility and collaboration in the same way? We have seen - through The Eagle Experience - just how difficult this is.

CORE-Concurrent First-Year Curriculum (Georgia Southern University-2023)

Over the past year, the Office of First and Second Year Experience in collaboration with the First and Second Year Advisory Team, Office of Career and Professional Development, and the Office of Global Engagement redesigned course content for CORE 2000 to move the course to a co-requisite model for Core courses to better focus on elements of Inform, Discern, & Affirm, reflections on academic mindset, challenges to perseverance, and highlight the importance of transitions through college (rather than just into college—i.e., meaningful choices in majors, minors, co-curricular engagements,

HERO Mental Health Campaign (Georgia Southern University-2023)

As part of the Mental Health Initiative by the University System of Georgia, the Helping Eagles Recognize Distress and Offer Support was created by a collaborative effort involving the Counseling Center, Athletics, Human Resources, Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Office of Student Wellness & Health Promotion, University Communications and Marketing, University Housing, and University Police. 


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