My research examines the nature and impact of students’ achievement motivation, or reasons for trying in school. Specifically, I aim to (1) document motivation trajectories across development, (2) explore personal and situational mechanisms through which motivation changes, and (3) design interventions tailored to the individual and learning context. Much of my research employs person-oriented analyses, which I use to understand students’ motivation and inform how interventions can be customized to meet students’ unique needs.
Laura M. Gambino is the associate dean for assessment and technology and professor of information technology at Guttman Community College (CUNY). She joined Guttman as an inaugural faculty member in August 2012. In her current role as associate dean, Gambino oversees academic technology initiatives, including the College’s institution-wide ePortfolio program and the Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS) initiative. She serves as principal investigator for Guttman’s US DOE Title V grant, EDUCAUSE/Achieving the Dream iPASS grant, and GradNYC College Completion Innovation Fund grant. She also leads the assessment of Guttman’s institutional student learning outcomes, focusing on the intersection of assessment, pedagogy, and assignment design.
Ms. Tisha S. Edwards has been the President at BridgeEdU, Inc. since June 2017 and serves as its Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Edwards served as Interim Chief Executive Officer at Baltimore City Public School Systems since July 1, 2013. Ms. Edwards served as senior management executive for Empower Baltimore Management Corporation, a federally funded non-profit corporation providing services to distressed communities in Baltimore and was appointed Founding Principal of Baltimore Freedom Academy from 2003 to 2007.
Chris Hulleman is principal investigator of the Motivate Lab and an associate professor at the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. He is also a fellow at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and codirector of the Motivation Research Institute at James Madison University. His research explores how motivation and mindsets impact human development and growth, particularly in education.